Île de Ngor

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A place like nowhere

At 3a.m. I approached the island by pirogue escorted by a fat full moon
We landed on a little speck of land
Nothing spectacular really: no palm-lined beaches, no emerald sea, not your typical tropical paradise

I soon discovered that his was a place that revealed its secrets through very subtle signals experienced by the soul

This is the place that I was propelled back to the origins of time; like built up memories conserved and concentrated in the haunting rocky landscape. Africa, the origin of man.
This is the place that I learnt about the essence of chi
This is the place where I spoke to the waves and (to my astonishment) they answered back
This is the place to listen to free open concerts; melodic compositions played by the constant rumbling and crashing of water on mineral undergrowths
This is the place that I ate my first authentic Tieboudiene (and now I am hooked!)
This is the place where Mbakhane is king
This is the place that my golden painting was born; The Tree of Life
This is the place where my guardian angel dwells; matt black, silent, ever-present
This is the place where long moonlit shadows are cast by night on sandbank
This is the place to be in intimate communion with the stars
This is the place where time stood still

In the stillness, one hears echoes resonating from the belly of the earth
Those who have ears, listen
…and ENJOY!

Obi Okigbo